Thursday, April 24, 2008

Do we pray like unbelievers?

I have really learned a lot about prayer lately...This quote has helped me so much.

"Prayer is not just an act. Prayer is a dependency...dependency on God" A.W. Tozer

Prayer is when I show my utter helplessness and my total and complete dependency upon God. Just like a little child. Just like seth is totally dependent upon Chris and me...if we don't feed him, he'll starve. If we don't take care of him, he'll perish....that's how we are to be with God...totally dependent and trusting in His care.

I read this last night in "When I Don't Desire God. How to fight for Joy" by John Piper and this chapter was on praying...I wanted to share.

Do we pray like unbelievers? Some people pray like unbelievers would pray who are convinced that God might give them what they wants: health, a better job, safe journeys, a propserous portfolio, successful children, plenty of food, a happy marriage, a car that works, a comfortable retirement,etc. None of these are evil...they're just natural. You dont have to be born again to want any of these. Desiring them, even from God, is not evidence of saving faith. (that got me!) So if these are all you pray for, there is a deep problem. Your desires have not yet been changed to put the glory of Christ at the center.

But when you have your mind saturatred with the Christ exalting Word of God and turn it into your prayer, your desires are shaped by the Holy Spirit into God centered, Christ exalting prayers. The glory of Christ and the name of God, the spiritual well being of people, and the delight you have in knowing Jesus, these become your dominant concerns and your constant requests. You will still pray for health and marriage and job and journeys, but now what you want to happen is that, in all of these, Christ will be exalted! God will be glorified! This changes the pattern and passion of your prayers. Your pray for a journey that is not merely safe, but that all along the way your joy would be in God and that he would shine through you. Your prayer for you job is not merely that it be stable and peaceful and prosperous, but that it truly serves the need of society and that in all your labor and all your relationship your joy in Christ and your love for people would make a name for Jesus!! "God, heal my realitive of this disease because I know you can, but if it brings you more glory to not heal them, then don't!" "If it's your will that I move away from my family, if that's what would bring you the most glory, then move me!" "If you get the most glory by allowing me to lose my job, then so be it!" Only, by God's grace could we ever pray like this! That's when we know we're a child of God because that's not a natural prayer...the Spirit of God produces those kinds of desires and wants in our hearts and wants what would honor Him the most...Whatever will bring HIM the most glory, whatever would make His name known, whatever would Honor Him and make much of Him! Whatever would make His name famous among the nations, that's what we should want...

A good way to start our day in prayer is like this:

"O Lord, please grant that Your glory be honored, Your holiness be reverenced, Your greatness be admired, Your power be praised, Your truth be sought, Your wisdom be esteemed, Your beauty be treasured, Your goodness by savored, Your faithfulness be trusted, Your commandments be obeyed, Your promises be relied on, Your justice be respected, Your wrath be feared, Your grace be cherished, Your presence be prized, Your person be loved!"

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